Beginning of the construction activities for the project “Construction of Regional Ethno Park” in the village Zrnovci – Phase I.

For that purpose on 12th June 2017 (Monday) in the municipality of Zrnovci, representatives from the Center for Development of East Planning Region as the project leader and the Municipality Zrnovci as a project partner held a coordination meeting with the selected contractor construction company “KOD-INZINERING LTD “- Strumica and the company responsible for the professional supervision over object “Profil Inzenering Ltd import-export “- Veles.

The purpose of the meeting was officially introducing the work of the contractor by experts, reviewing the site where will be built the Regional Ethno Park and discussion about the dynamic plan for the works.

Funds for this project are provided by the state budget, through the Regional Development Programme, the allocation of funds for financing projects for regional development in 2017 between the Ministry of Local Government – Bureau for Regional Development and the Center for development of East Planning Region has signed contract for realization of the projects in the Eastern planning region and the budget of Zrnovci.

The total cost for the project is 2,553,319.40 MKD, and the deadline for the project is 20th October 2017.