The one-day regional conference “Partnerships for accelerated decentralization, inclusive and sustainable growth” was held on June 7th in the hotel Oaza Stip.

Within the project “Improving municipal governance” funded by the European Union, and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Ministry of Finance, three regional conferences were organized in order to open a discussion on issues related to decentralization and local development.

The debate opened on the need for changes to the Law on Local Self-Government, the status of urban and local communities, financial trends – block grants and municipal bonds, existing municipal service centers for citizens, and the new UNDP fund for Technical Documentation .

UNDP, together with the Ministry of Local Self-Government, the Ministry of Finance and EU representatives will go on-site to facilitate discussions on issues at regional level.

The aim of the regional conferences is to provide an overview of the recent decentralization and trends of local development policies and to create an interactive discussion between central and local governments.

Conferences are grouped by regions in the following way:

  • The Skopje Planning Region and the Northeast Planning Region;
  • The Polog planning region, the South-west planning region and the Pelagonia planning region;
  • The South-East planning region, the East planning region and the Vardar planning region.

Main goals

  • Enabling an open dialogue between the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Ministry of Finance and local authorities on municipal needs and priorities;
  • Opening a debate over the needs for improving the Law on Local Self-Government;
  • Opportunity for mayors to meet, network and discuss priorities;
  • Specific focus on municipal finances, focusing on block transfers and the creation of own funds and resources;
  • Discussion of the function and possibilities for revitalization of the local communities;
  • Examining the development opportunities and potentials of the citizens’ service centers for better access to services;
  • Discussion of potential ways to support municipalities by the EU, UNDP and other sources.